HubSpot offers 10 certifications – each certification course is a series of videos concluding with an exam
Inbound Certification – this is the first certificate you should try to get that includes 12 classes (should take less than 5 hours)
Social Media Certification
Email Marketing Certification
Inbound Marketing Certification
Content Marketing Certification
HubSpot Marketing Software Certification
Sales Enablement Certification
HubSpot Sales Software Certification
Inbound Sales Certification
Growth-Driven Design Certification
Google Ads Certification – free study materials and there are two exams you need to pass: Google Ads Fundamentals Assessment and your choice of Search Advertising, Display Advertising, Mobile Advertising Video Advertising or Shopping Advertising (your certification is valid for one year)
Google Analytics Individual Qualification – free courses and study guides to prepare you to take the exam
Bing Ads Accredited Professional – free courses that lead up to a 100 question exam focused on search engine marketing (your certification will be valid for one year)
LinkedIn Learning – free courses (for those with LinkedIn Premium accounts) that when successfully completed appear on your LinkedIn profile so this is a valuable way to get certifications through LinkedIn
SEMrush Academy – free courses you can take, although they don’t lead to a certification they do have exams to take so you can always list them on your resume in a Continuing Education section
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