A benevolent is someone who gives without waiting to receive much in return. It’s a good thing to strive towards in all chapters of your life, but especially during your job search. The reason is that acting benevolently leaves a lasting impression on people. When they benefit from your advice or help, they are more likely to remember it and return the favor when they can. That favor could come in the form of a new job or a new connection that may lead to a new job. Plus it just feels great to help other people!
Being a benevolent is all about paying it forward. When you talk to fellow job seekers do you have any tips to share with them? Are there people in your network that might be able to help them? Do you know anyone who works at companies they are targeting? Have you learned any resume tips you can share with them? I can tell you from personal experience that all of the interviews I’ve been on so far in my job search have all been thanks to someone in my network who is paying it forward by helping me get an interview.
I founded my own business (my frugal lifestyle blog Freebies 4 Mom) on the basis of wanting to help moms save money. I get a thrill every time I hear back from one of my readers about how I helped them save money, win a prize or learn something new. There is nothing more rewarding than receiving thanks from someone you helped. It makes you smile on the inside!
So during your job search, even though you are looking for people who can help you find a job you need to be a benevolent and help your fellow job-seekers in any way you can! You just never know when they’ll return the favor and they might just help you land your next job!
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